首页 >言情小说 >萧萧风雨下 > 第二百一十章(问)


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Having love forever in haaven

Having wishes under the sun

If we haven`t see that shiny lustre

Will numbly slide down to the bottom

Luckily the God answered us via dawn

Saved us from bearing loving wounds

Illuminate the darkness with light

Reminded me of the despair and crouch

Mayebe we could have a sip of wine

Insted of crossing the painful line

Now it doesn`t matter

Because we have ended our lives

I don`t need someone to mourn me in


But still miss the acreb plum

From spring to autumn

I hadn`t seen you at that that desired dawn

From being together to being broken apart

The two girls had been gone

At least they hold the promise to be strong

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