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第116章 无标题章节

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ren yunlong,who is a person living in Golze,Sart province was born in10036 ce.

He has two childhood friends,Daisy and Wiles.The name of landlord of Golze is Billy.

sihe situation of the ti was turbulent,they have been traio be soldiers.

In 10056 ce.ren yunlong has been a reservist.On this day,ander gives him a task that he will catch the escaped tauren.It is said that he has escaped to Puado village.

Renyunlong arrive at puado village and searches for the tauren.

A Villager tells him that the taureered the grocery store.

renyunlong goes there then he sees that there are two wood elves,a wolfman(not werewolf)and a tauren.

renyunlong:“tauren!I will catch you so I hope that you will not resist.”

tauren:“damn you,I will resist to the end,imperial shit!”

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